Summer 2018 Rankings

The Summer 2018 Rankings contain the rank and rating of any players that have played in a tournament. Includes Inferno 2018 Results.

Rank Player Wins Losses Elo Rating
1 Hat 62 22 1565
2 Jeffthechef 116 24 1502
3 Dino 96 50 1460
4 Sippin 11 6 1366
5 Truski 96 46 1352
6 Alfster 65 66 1280
7 Sea D 50 55 1257
8 CPU 5 5 1240
9 Lynx 15 18 1238
10 Rhyden 19 32 1198
11 Wumpo 3 4 1194
12 DarkChocolateGamer 3 6 1184
13 HoneyCrisp 12 18 1180
14 Killgore52 7 16 1168
15 Silverbullet 1 4 1163
16 Xanes 1 5 1151
17 Keeper 2 7 1138
18 SheepPug 0 5 1132
19 Leafeon523 17 44 1127
20 Wreaper 2 9 1116
21 YoshiGirl 0 12 1068
22 TequilaGundam 3 20 1066
23 Stormz64 3 20 1037
24 Taco Man 3 29 1029
25 Jaypea 11 51 1027
26 Malhotra360 1 23 1012